5. Sarv-e Abarqu – Yazd Province, Iran

Sarv-e Abarqu is a village located in Yazd Province, Iran. It is situated at an altitude of 1,900 meters above sea level and has an area of about 1.5 square kilometers. Sarv-e Abarqu is known for its unique climate and beautiful landscape, making it a popular tourist destination in the region.
The village has a population of around 3,000 people and is home to several historical sites such as the ruins of an ancient Zoroastrian temple and a 15th-century caravanserai.
The local economy relies heavily on agriculture and livestock farming, with some traditional handicrafts being produced as well. Sarv-e Abarqu provides visitors with a unique insight into rural life in Iran and offers plenty of opportunities for exploration and relaxation.
6. The Angel Oak – Johns Island, South Carolina

The Angel Oak, located on Johns Island in South Carolina, is an ancient and majestic live oak tree that has been standing for centuries. It is believed to be around 400-500 years old and stands 65 feet tall with a circumference of 28 feet.
Its branches spread out over an acre of land and provide shade for up to 17 people at once. It is a popular tourist destination and has been featured in several movies, television shows, and books. With its impressive size and age, the Angel Oak serves as a reminder of the beauty of nature’s power to endure over time.
7. Double-trunked Bald Cypress – Three Rivers State Park, Florida

Three Rivers State Park, located in Florida, is home to a unique species of tree – the Double-trunked Bald Cypress. This species of tree is native to the southeastern United States and can be found in swamps and wetlands throughout the region.
The Double-trunked Bald Cypress is an iconic symbol of the park and its surrounding area, providing shade and beauty to visitors. The park also provides a great opportunity for visitors to observe this species in its natural habitat as well as learn more about its ecology and importance in the local ecosystem.