3. Spruce Tree

The spruce tree is a coniferous tree of the genus Picea, native primarily to high-altitude regions of Europe and Asia. Spruces are used as food plants by some Lepidoptera species including the pine geometrid moth.
4. Maple Tree

The maple tree is a tree or large shrub of the genus Acer, native throughout temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere. Its sap, called maple syrup or sugar, is a widely used sweetener and is commercially produced on a large scale.
5. Oak Tree

The oak tree is a deciduous hardwood tree (Quercus robur) of the genus Quercus in the beech family. It originated in Europe and North America with its central range extending from Spain to China and Japan.
Oak woods can be seen in many places such as California’s Central Valley, Oregon’s Willamette Valley, and Wisconsin’s Kettle Moraine.
The acorns are a food source for many animal species including deer, pigs, goats, and squirrels.