2. General Sherman – The Largest Tree on Earth Located in California

General Sherman is the most giant tree on Earth. Located in California’s Sequoia National Park, the sequoia is estimated to be over 2,500 years old and stands 275 feet tall. It’s a giant among the other sequoias that inhabit the park and is considered one of nature’s most awe-inspiring sights.
General Sherman has been an icon of conservation since its discovery in 1879 and serves as a reminder of how important it is to protect our natural environment. Visiting this tree will inspire wonder, respect, and reverence for wild things.
3. The Jōmon Sugi – An Ancient Cryptomeria Tree Located in Japan

The Jōmon Sugi is an ancient cedar-like evergreen tree located on Yakushima Island in Japan. It is known as the oldest living thing in Japan, estimated to be between 2200 and 7000 years old. It is a national treasure of Japan and a popular tourist destination, attracting many visitors to its majestic size and grandeur.
The Jōmon Sugi is one of the last remaining cryptomeria trees, a species that has existed since prehistoric times. It stands over 16 meters tall and has a circumference of over 5 meters wide. Its beautiful branches reach the sky, and its age can be seen through its hollowed center trunk. This magnificent tree serves as a reminder of Japan’s rich history and culture, with its name derived from the ancient Jōmon period nearly 5000 years ago.
4. The Sarv-e Abarqu – A Cypress located Near Shiraz Iran

The Sarv-e Abarqu is a Persian Cypress tree located near Shiraz, Iran. It is one of the oldest living things in the world, with a documented age of 4,000 years. It is one of the most famous trees in Iran and has been featured in countless photographs, paintings, and poems over the centuries.
The Sarv-e Abarqu tree is a symbol of resilience and endurance and has endured many hardships throughout its long life. It has survived wars, floods, droughts, and even an earthquake that destroyed much of Shiraz in 1779. Its beauty draws people from all around the world to come and marvel at its majesty.