7) Saving Private Ryan (1998)
The 1998 war epic directed by Steven Spielberg, Saving Private Ryan, follows a group of U.S. soldiers as they fight to find a soldier named Private James Francis Ryan amidst the chaos of World War II. Starring Tom Hanks, the film is noted for its intense battle sequences and emotional storytelling. It has become a timeless classic and one of the most iconic war movies of all time.
8) The Thin Red Line (1998)
Directed by Terrence Malick and starring Sean Penn, John Cusack, Woody Harrelson, and George Clooney, this World War II drama follows an Army company’s harrowing experiences in the Guadalcanal campaign. The film is widely praised for its emotional depth, moral complexity, and cinematography. Malick manages to capture the tragedy of war, showing how it can wear down and destroy even those who are mentally and physically prepared for battle. The Thin Red Line is an essential addition to any war movie collection.